Social Support & Community Care

The Landscape of Poverty

The stark effects of poverty resonate deeply, influencing not only our physical well-being but also our emotional and spiritual health. Within our community, the challenges of housing and food instability are glaring, affecting both immigrants and non-immigrants. Those fortunate enough to find housing often grapple with subpar living conditions or are faced with exorbitant rents demanded by predatory landlords.

Challenges of Access

A significant segment of our community remains outside the purview of governmental assistance, leaving them without the essential resources that many take for granted. The injustice of being denied access to nourishing food or a safe, dignified place to call home is a reality for too many.

But we're on a mission: to use our profound understanding of systems, our connection to the community’s needs, and our innate resourcefulness to bridge these gaps. Even as we craft immediate solutions, our eyes remain fixed on long-term goals like food sovereignty, securing land, and ensuring sustainable access to critical resources.

Our Initiatives

  • Resource Connection: Linking eligible individuals, especially those in mixed-status households, to essential food and housing resources. This includes enrollment in programs like Women, Infant, and Children (WIC), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), General Assistance (GA), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

  • Tenant Advocacy: Supporting residents in situations with exploitative landlords. Our assistance spans legal navigation to courtroom accompaniment.

  • Bi-Weekly Mobile Pantry: Organizing La Despensa Solidaria - our mobile pantry - every two weeks, supplying the community with a variety of culturally-relevant items - from salvaged foods and farm harvests, to ethically sourced medicinal herbs, to essential supplies like diapers and toiletries.

  • Crisis Intervention: Offering rapid response during critical situations, whether it's domestic violence (DV), sexual assault (SA), or immigration-related emergencies.

Support Presente!'s Vision!

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